In the summer of 2020 I took a class GIS course based in R. I wrote some code, and did some cool data science. Here is a collection of links!
- Built a static users site with Github
- Explored markdown, YMAL, CSS, HTML and website construction
- Learned how to contribute to another repository
- Learned how to use data from other the NYT to see real time COVID data.
- Learned how to join two sets of data
- Created tables using the knitr::kable function that would help visualize COVID’s impact on CA’s counties.
- Plotted graphs with a 7-day rolling mean of the four states most impact by the virus.
- Learned about simple features, coordinate reference systems and distance measurements
- Found and plotted the distances of cities within the 100 mile zone of the “Border Zone.”
- Familiarized myself with the different in which a map can be represented through different graphics, information and colors.
- Worked with different type of tessellations that can alter a map.
- Learned more about functions and their usefulness when working with multiple data sets.
- Looked at Nation Dam data in order to plot the distrubution of certain dams were around the US.
- Created flood images using multiband Landsat Imagery without having to order that imagery from the internet.
- Learned about various threshold techniques to find surface water and flooded areas in Palo, Iowa.
- Using data from web APIs building impacted by the 2017 Santa Barbara flood event was able to be assessed.
- Created a hillshade and HAND raster to assess water levels.
- Used the whitebox toolkit to make the terrain based datasets.