
University of California, Santa Barbara | Expected 2020

  • B.A. in Environmental Studies
  • Minor in Spatial Studies

  • Internship Experience

    Lead Research Assistant | Oono Lab, UCSB | 3/19-3/20

  • Used the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) progress to extract and copies of fungal DNA.
  • Studied the relationship between soil microbial communities and conifer seedling establishment, especially in fire scars.
  • Guided new interns in the process used within the Oono Lab and Runte’s research.

  • Habitat Restoration Intern | Goleta, CA | 9/18-12/18

  • Participated in the management of invasive plant control in a vernal pool restoration project.
  • Collected phenology data while obtaining skills in plant identification.

  • Leadership Experience

    Co-instructor | "Thriving, Not Surviving, “Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, UCSB | 8/20

  • Spoke to student in the INT 10 class about my personal college experiences and struggles
  • Adviced them on how to make the most out of their college experience.

  • Vice President | Sigma Omega Nu Latina Interest Sorority Inc., UCSB | 9/19-6/20

  • Responsible for promoting academic and professional development.
  • Managed the mentorship program that helps member who are facing academic hardship.

  • Director of Community Service | United Sorority and Fraternity Council, UCSB | 9/19-3/20

  • Planned quarterly events for 300+ affiliated members as a way to promote community involvement.
  • Collaborate with cross-council leaders to plan a carnival event for local elementary school students.

  • First-generation Volunteer Peer Mentor| Educational Opportunity Program, UCSB | 9/18-6/19

  • Mentored two freshman students and guided them through their first year at UCSB.
  • Used campus resource and staff to help with any academic and personal questions.

  • Honors, Awards, and Scholarships

    Living Your Values Award | 2020

  • Awarded for my commitment to UCSB’s United Sorority and Faternity Greek Council.

  • Promise Scholar | 2016-2020

  • Full academic funding awarded to a select number of high achieving low income, first-generation, underrepresented students attending UCSB.

  • Santa Barbara Scholarship Foundation Recipient | 2016-2020

  • Scholarship awarded to qualifying students seeking a higher education and who grew up in the county of Santa Barbara, CA.

  • Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) Scholar and Award Recipient | 2018

  • Scholarship awarded to the top Hispanic students in the United States seeking a higher education.

  • College of Letters and Science Honors Program | 2017

  • Awarded to students who received a 3.5 or higher cumulative GPA.

  • Dean’s List | 2017

  • Awarded to students who received a 3.5 GPA during a given academic quarter.

  • Skills


  • English and Spanish, spoken and written

  • Computer Skills

  • ENVI, QGIS, RStudio, MATLAB, Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, and Excel)

  • Relevant Coursework

  • Geography 115A-C: Remote Sensing of the Environment 1-3
  • Geography 176A: Introduction to GIS
  • Environmental Studies 169: Tracer Hydrology
  • Geography 175: Measuring the Environment
  • Molecular, Cellular & Development Biology 1A-B & 1AL-BL: Introductory Biology & Laboratory