#Question 1
usa <- USAboundaries::us_counties()
conus <- usa %>%
filter(!state_name %in% c("Alaska", "Hawaii", "Puerto Rico")) %>%
cen_conus = conus %>%
st_centroid() %>%
st_combine() %>%
vori = cen_conus %>%
st_voronoi() %>%
st_cast() %>%
st_as_sf() %>%
mutate(id = 1:n())
tri = cen_conus %>%
st_triangulate() %>%
st_cast() %>%
st_as_sf() %>%
mutate(id = 1:n())
grid_cov = st_make_grid(cen_conus, n = c(70, 50), square = TRUE) %>%
st_as_sf() %>%
mutate(id = 1:n())
hex_cov = st_make_grid(cen_conus, n= c(70,50), square = FALSE) %>%
st_as_sf() %>%
mutate(id = 1:n())
plot_tess = function(data, title){
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = data, fill = "white", col = "navy", size = .2) +
theme_void() +
labs(title = title, caption = paste("This tesselation has:", nrow(data), "tiles" )) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = .5, color = "navy", face = "bold"))
vori = st_intersection(vori, st_union(conus))
## Warning: attribute variables are assumed to be spatially constant throughout all
## geometries
plot_tess(vori, "Voroni Coverage") +
geom_sf(data = conus, col = "darkred", size = .2)
tri = st_intersection(tri, st_union(conus))
## Warning: attribute variables are assumed to be spatially constant throughout all
## geometries
plot_tess(tri, "Triangular Coverage") +
geom_sf(data = conus, col = "darkred", size = .3)
grid_cov = st_intersection(grid_cov, st_union(conus))
## Warning: attribute variables are assumed to be spatially constant throughout all
## geometries
plot_tess(grid_cov, "Square Coverage") +
geom_sf(data = conus, col = "darkred", size = .3)
grid_cov = st_intersection(hex_cov, st_union(conus))
## Warning: attribute variables are assumed to be spatially constant throughout all
## geometries
plot_tess(hex_cov, "Hexegonal Coverage") +
geom_sf(data = conus, col = "darkred", size = .3)
#simp = ms_simplify(conus, keep= 0.4)
plot_tess(vori, "Voroni Coverage")
plot_tess(tri, "Triangular Coverage")
plot_tess(grid_cov, "Square Coverage")
plot_tess(hex_cov, "Hexegonal Coverage")
plot_tess(conus, "Original Coverage")
#Question 2
tess_area <- function(data, title){
areas= drop_units(set_units(st_area(data), "km2"))
data.frame(tesselation= title,
mean_sq = mean(areas),
total_features = length(areas),
stand_dev = sd(areas),
total_area =sum(areas))
tess_area(vori, "Voroni Coverage")
## tesselation mean_sq total_features stand_dev total_area
## 1 Voroni Coverage 2521.745 3108 2887.14 7837583
tess_area(tri, "Triangular Coverage")
## tesselation mean_sq total_features stand_dev total_area
## 1 Triangular Coverage 1251.808 6196 1575.8 7756200
tess_area(grid_cov, "Square Coverage")
## tesselation mean_sq total_features stand_dev total_area
## 1 Square Coverage 3494.238 1639 382.4362 5727056
tess_area(hex_cov, "Hexagonal Coverage")
## tesselation mean_sq total_features stand_dev total_area
## 1 Hexagonal Coverage 3586.119 1639 1.87566e-11 5877648
tess_area(conus, "Original Coverage")
## tesselation mean_sq total_features stand_dev total_area
## 1 Original Coverage 2521.745 3108 3404.325 7837583
#2.3: Summarize 5 Coverage
tess_summary = bind_rows(
tess_area(tri ,"triangulation"),
tess_area(vori, "voroni"),
tess_area(grid_cov, "square"),
tess_area(hex_cov, "hexagonal"),
tess_area(conus, "originial"))
#2.4:Knitr Table
knitr::kable(tess_summary, caption = "Tessellations Coverage",
col.names = c("Tessellation", "Number of Features", "Mean Area","Standard Deviation", "Total Area"),
format.args = list(big.mark = ",")) %>%
kableExtra::kable_styling("striped", full_width = TRUE, font_size = NULL)
Tessellation | Number of Features | Mean Area | Standard Deviation | Total Area |
triangulation | 1,251.808 | 6,196 | 1,575.7996 | 7,756,200 |
voroni | 2,521.745 | 3,108 | 2,887.1397 | 7,837,583 |
square | 3,494.238 | 1,639 | 382.4362 | 5,727,056 |
hexagonal | 3,586.119 | 1,639 | 0.0000 | 5,877,648 |
originial | 2,521.745 | 3,108 | 3,404.3252 | 7,837,583 |
2.5: Comments on the traits of each tessellation
It can be seen that the number of features from largest to smallest goes in the following order: hexagonal, square, original, voroni and triangulation. When each of these features are compared to their total area, a pattern emerges. The large a tessellation’s number of features is the smaller their total area will be. When the total area for a tessellation is smaller in compared to the original tessellation, it is possible for it to be missing point-in-polygon features that can affect results and therefore analysis.
nid <- read_excel("../data/NID2019_U.xlsx") %>%
filter(!is.na(LONGITUDE),!is.na(LATITUDE)) %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("LONGITUDE", "LATITUDE"), crs= 4326) %>%
point_in_polygon3 = function(points, polygon, group){
st_join(polygon, points) %>%
st_drop_geometry() %>%
count(get(group)) %>%
setNames(c(group, "n")) %>%
left_join(polygon, by = group) %>%
vor_jd = point_in_polygon3(nid, vori, "id")
tri_jd =point_in_polygon3(nid, tri, "id")
square_jd = point_in_polygon3(nid, grid_cov, "id")
hex_jd = point_in_polygon3(nid, hex_cov, "id")
og_jd = point_in_polygon3(nid, conus, "geoid")
plot_pip = function(data, title){
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = data, aes(fill = n), col = NA, size = .2) +
scale_fill_viridis_c() +
theme_void() +
labs(title = title, caption = paste("This Coverage has:", sum(data$n), "Dams" )) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = .5, color = "navy", face = "bold"))
plot_pip(vor_jd, "Voroni Pip")
plot_pip(tri_jd, "Triangular Pip")
plot_pip(square_jd, "Square Pip")
plot_pip(hex_jd, "Hexagonal Pip")
plot_pip(og_jd, "Original Pip")
#3.6 Comment on the influence of the tessellated surface in the visualization of point counts. How does this related to the MAUP problem. Moving forward you will only use one tessellation, which will you chose and why?
Depending on the tessellation surface it will either make it easier or harder to get a visualization of the point counts in terms of the dams in the US. For this reason I choose to use the Voroni tessellation from here on forward. The Voroni feature help you visually see where there is a higher coverage of dams within US counties than the rest of the tessellations.
#I, C, S, R, P, F
#describe why you chose them
i_dams = nid %>%
filter(grepl("I", PURPOSES) == TRUE)
c_dams = nid %>%
filter(grepl("C", PURPOSES) == TRUE)
s_dams = nid %>%
filter(grepl("S", PURPOSES) == TRUE)
r_dams = nid %>%
filter(grepl("R", PURPOSES) == TRUE)
p_dams = nid %>%
filter(grepl("P", PURPOSES) == TRUE)
f_dams = nid %>%
filter(grepl("F", PURPOSES) == TRUE)
irrigation_tess = point_in_polygon3(i_dams, vori, "id")
flood_control_tess = vor_jd = point_in_polygon3(c_dams, vori, "id")
water_supply_tess = point_in_polygon3(s_dams, vori, "id")
recreation_tess = point_in_polygon3(r_dams, vori, "id")
fire_pro_tess = point_in_polygon3(p_dams, vori, "id")
fish_wildlife_tess = point_in_polygon3(nid, vori, "id")
plot_pip(irrigation_tess, "Irrigation Dams")+
gghighlight(n > (mean(n)+ sd(n)))
plot_pip(flood_control_tess, "Flood Control Dams")+
gghighlight(n > (mean(n)+ sd(n)))
plot_pip(water_supply_tess, "Water Supply Dams")+
gghighlight(n > (mean(n)+ sd(n)))
plot_pip(recreation_tess, "Recreational Dams")+
gghighlight(n > (mean(n)+ sd(n)))
plot_pip(fire_pro_tess, "Fire Protection Dams")+
gghighlight(n > (mean(n)+ sd(n)))
plot_pip(fish_wildlife_tess, "Fish and Wildlife Dams")+
gghighlight(n > (mean(n)+ sd(n)))
#4.3 Comment of geographic distribution of dams you found. Does it make sense? How might the tessellation you chose impact your findings? How does the distribution of dams coincide with other geographic factors such as river systems, climate, ect?
From the dam purposes that I choose, most of their distribution is understandable given the location in which they are seen. For example, flood control dams are mostly seen within counties close to the Mississippi River. Also, based on the bar graph presented in the lab instruction, it was seen that Recreational Dams were the largest purpose for a dam in the US. Even though the counties look smaller than those to the west of the country, it is possible to see their distribution along with the dam count within a given county.
Extra Credit
miss= read_sf("../data/majorrivers_0_0") %>%
filter(NAME == "Mississippi")
miss_leaf= nid %>%
filter(HAZARD == "H") %>%
group_by(STATE) %>%
slice_max(NID_STORAGE) %>%
leaflet() %>%
addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB) %>%
addCircles(data = miss_leaf,
fillColor = "red",
color = NA,
fillOpacity = 1,
radius = (miss_leaf$NID_STORAGE / 1500000)) %>%
addPolylines(data = miss)